16 agosto 2012

Liebster Award!!

I have been nominated to the Liebster Blog Award!! I have to thank the lovely girl from Polish My Mind, Emily from Nail Tales and Lauren from Lolly's Nail Paints. Three really awesome blogs I strongly reccomend.
This award is different that the other Liebster Award I did, even if they have the same name. The Tag that comes with the award is going to be bigger because I'm going to mix the questions of the three girls that have tagged me, that's why I am going to write just in english because if I translate everythin This is going to take forever!!

This blog award is designed to help small blogs to be known so you have to have less than 200 followers to qualify.

The official rules are:

1. Each person tagged must post 11 things about themselves.
2. They must also answer the 11 questions the 'tagger' has set for them.
3. They must create 11 more questions to ask bloggers they have decided to tag.
4. They must then choose 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers and tag them in their post.
5. These lucky bloggers must then be told.
6. There's no tag backs.

11 Things About Me:

1. I love singing in the shower as loud as I can.
2. I am a cat person but I have a dog.
3. I have dyed my bangs in blue, purple and hot pink (That's my hair now)
4. I like horror movies but I have nightmares every time I watch zombie movies.
5. ZZzzzz... I can fall asleep anytime, anywhere...
6. Cooking is one of my hobbies, but I just like to cook for someone else.
7. I am a Nail Polish addict, but you all know that already...
8. I play the piano, a little.
9. My dream life is to have a special person that travels around the world with me.
10. I hate the heat, I wish we had winter all year!! (In Spain we have warm winters, I'm not crazy...)
11. Van Gogh is my favourite artist, yet haven't done an inspired manicure.

Questions from Polish My Mind, Emily from Nail Tales and Lauren from Lolly's Nail Paints:

1. What would you do, if you won a million dollars? TRAVEL! Travel around the world
2. Any of your dreams came true? If so, which one? It's not very impressive but I dreamt about passing an exam... and I did!
3. What are your 3-5 favorite polishes? Essie Luxeffects Shine of the Times, China Glaze Turned up Turquoise, Flormar U08, KIKO 395 and H&M Lady Luck.
4. Brand of nail polish that you never tried. A lot! Cult Nails, Models Own, all the Indie Polishes...
5. If you could pick one nail design that you can't do right now and them magically master it, which one would that be? Water marble! Any kind of water marble.
6. Longest you spent on a single design/mani? Two or three hours... I think.
7. Since when are you into "nail art/blogging"? OMG! I've been around here for two years!
8. Fav. book/movie? My favourite book is The Last Cato (Matilde Asensi) and my favourite movie... I don't know, maybe Robin Hood or Nightmare Before Christmas.

9. How often do you paint your nails? Once every two days when I'm doing a challenge or once or twice a week if I'm not.
10. Does your family or friends encourage you or laugh at your nail passion? My family find it weird and a waste of time and money but they support me showing interest.
11. What do you love most about nail bloggers community? I think it's a great way to know other nail polish addicted, get inspiration and know a lot of amazing nail artists.
12.  What was your first reaction to getting this award? I was really happy!! It's a beautiful surprise to come back from holidays and find that you have an award waiting for you.
13.  If you could eat any meal, what would you eat? I don't know... sushi maybe?
14.  How do you like to celebrate your birthday? Having a homemade dinner with my closests friends.
15.  Favorite Youtuber? RobinMoses, A M A Z I N G Nail Artist!
16.  What is your favorite manicure you ever made (link)? My Lime Zippers
17.  If you could make any polish, what would it be? A mix of different iridiscent flakies or a very well packed mix of different blue glitters.
18.  Five things you have within arms' length? The telephone, my boyfriend's feet (XD), three headbands, my mobile phone and my Ipod Touch.
19.  What two to three blogs have been the most inspiring or motivational to you? Nailside (Tape technique), The Nailasaurus (Pictures) and RobinMoses (Acrylic Paints)
20.  If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? I would love to go to Japan.
21. Films or music? Music, Always!
22. Chocolate, Crisps or Cake? Cake, I don't usually eat sweets but I love baking cakes.
23. Favourite colour nail polish? Blues and greens, I'm sorry I can't choose between those two colors.
24. Your First Memory? Going to the market with my grandmother.
25. Have you ever had any nail polish disasters? Once I was travelling and a bottle exploded inside my suitcase... Everything went to the trash bin...
26. When you were younger what did you want to be when you grew up? A vet or something animal-related.
27. What do you now want to be when you grow up? A teacher!!
28. Has anything ever happened to you that you never thought it would? Yes, I never thought I was going to be happy with the four things that were most important to me, family, studies, love and friends, but I am!!
29. Do you ever have recurring dreams? Not usually but when I'm on exams I often dream that I pass/fail my exams.
30. Do you have any fears? if so what are they? I am scared of heights and darkness.
31. What's the best thing that has happened to you this year? This year has been full of amazing things: I lived a month and a half in Boston, I went to Riviera Maya with my best friends and I graduated college!!

My Questions 4 You:

1. How many polishes do you own?
2. What's your favourite nail polish colour?
3. What's the nail art technique you love most?
4. If you could make any polish, what would it be?
5. Five things you can find in your handbag.
6. What's the best thing that has happened to you this year?
7. What did you eat for dinner last night?
8. What's the temperature right now where you live?
9. What's more important for you in your blog: Good pictures, appearance or good writting?
10. Why did you start painting your nails?
11. What were your thoughts when you received this award?

And finally... the nominees:


A lot of them are Spanish speakers, so I hope they don't have a lot of troubles...

See you soon!!

13 comentarios:

  1. Thanks you! My english is very bad. I read well but my written is sad jaja. I will publish tomorrow!

    1. No te preocupes!! Si quieres puedes responderlo en español, asi lo pasamos hacia las blogeras hispano-hablantes!!

  2. Enhorabuena por el premio!! :D Pero sobre todo muchísimas gracias por acordarte de mi ;D
    Es un consuelo saber que no soy la única incomprendida en casa XD


    1. De nada hombre!! nos tenemos que apoyar entre todas no?? que para eso somos muchas!!

  3. Enhorabuena y muchas gracias por acordarte de mi... ?tendrías el post en español ( si quieres me lo mandas por face en privado) es que me esta costando muchoooo.

    Muchas gracias.

    1. Ya te he respondido por face pero de todas formas por si alguien viene con la misma duda te lo vuelvo a decir. Esta noche intentare sacar un poco de tiempo para traducirlo si quieres lo puedo mandar por mail en cuanto esté listo. ;) Gracias por pasarte

  4. Gracias guapa por acordarte de mi te lo debo en mi blog y otro a treintaytantos :) , besos

    1. Claro que sí chica, todos los dias me acuerdo de mis blogerillas españolas!!

  5. Woohooo ! Lo haré encantada, qué bien, como dicen por aquí arriba, no ser las únicas incomprendidas jajaja Aunque digo yo que otros lo gastan en tabaco, en cambiarle los tapacubos al coche, o en zapatos nuevos no? Cada uno con sus vicios y sus aficiones!

    Voy a ir preparándolo.. lo haré en español, que no sé el nivel de inglés de mis lectores jajaja >_<

    Un besote y gracias, artista!! :D

    1. Eso digo yo! Ademas que aunque de vez en cuanto me gaste un paston jejeje la mayoria de mis pintauñas son comprados en chinos o de ofertas... que una no tiene dinero... y menos mal que no fumo que si no... no me llegaba para comer

    2. X cierto muy bueno, me he reido un monton con lo de los tapacubos jajajajajaja

  6. Hola preciosa, muchísimas gracias por pensar en mí para este premio. Estaré encantada de contestar a todo ya que me encanta mostraros un poco de mí. También disfruto mucho leyendo vuestras respuestas. Lo he leído un poco por encima porque estoy de viaje en Madrid en casa de mi hermana pero me ha llamado la atención lo de Van Gogh. Si llego a saber que te gusta tanto viajar te habría invitado a venir conmigo ya que mañana asisto a un evento blogger en un centro comercial con cocktails, dj, etc.
    Intentaré hacer el tag también en inglés aunque soy bastante negada para los idiomas.
    Besazos artista.

    1. Es una manera genial no solo de dar a conocer otros blogs sino de poder conocernos mejor entre nosotras.
      Ayssss no sabes la envidia que me das en ese encuentro bloggero ya me gustaria a mi poder asistir a uno... podriamos organizar algo nosotras no?
