27 diciembre 2013

Crumpet's Christmas Winter Challenge #7: Winter Characters

Hi Girls!
I'm sorry I skipped last prompt but it has been really busy with all the Christmas things and right now I am about to jump on a plate to Spain to be able to celebrate New Year's Eve with my family.
At least I hope you enjoy this funny 3D manicure!

Hola Chicas!
Siento haberme saltado el último día del reto pero he estado muy ocuada con las cosillas de Navidad y ahora mismo estoy a punto de montarme en un avión a España para poder celebrar el Fin de Año con mi familia.
Por lo menos espero que disfrutéis esta manicura 3D tan graciosa!

These little guys are called Tomte here in Sweden and, although they really look like Santa, they are supposed to be his little family (I suppose they are the same as the elves we use to say). They have looong beards that usually cover their entire bodies and you can't usually see their eyes because their hats cover their heads up to their noses!

Estos personajillos se llaman Tomte aqui en Suecia y , aunque se pareen mucho a Santa, se supone que son su pequeña famlia (Creo que son lo mismo que los elfos que nosotros decimos). Tienen barbas muuuuy largas que normalmente cubre todo su cuerpo y no se suelen ver sus ojos porque sus sombreros cubren sus cabezas hasta la nariz!

To make this manicure I used a "festive" nail polish as the base from Polish Addict called Pretty Little Glitters (very accurate name) and then made my little Tomtes with twisted fabric, cotton, two yellow rhinestones for the tips of the hats and two painted rhinestones for the noses.

Para hacer esta manicura utilicé un esmalte "festivo" para la base de Polish Addict llamado Pretty Little Glitters (Un nombre muy apropiado) y luego hice mis pequeños Tomtes con tela enrollada, algodón, dos rhinestones amarillos para las puntas de los sombreros y dos rhinestones pintados para las naricillas.

I think you will agree with me when I say that this is not a very comfortable manicure, but it was so cute that I wore it for a whole day.
See you soon! Kisses!

Creo que coincidireis conmigo en que esta no es una manicura precisamente cómoda, pero era tan mona que la llevé durante un día entero.
Nos vemos pronto! Besitos!

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