15 noviembre 2010

Late Halloween!! UHUUHHHH!!

As I promised here it is!! A Halloween post!! My friends and I went to the beach to make a little Halloween Party!! Everyone was dressed up, one was The Joker, another Jack the Ripper, one witch, one Ate-by-the-wolf Red Ridding Hood, one dressed like Scream, one dressed as a sinister monk... and I was... (I know is not very scary...) a Cookie Monster Slayer!!!
I took the idea from the internet, there's a girl dressed up for the Dagon*Con like this. And I liked it and made my own costume. I know you could see that I haven't worked very hard on this costume, but I made my boyfriend's too (as the Mad Hatter) and that was a lot of work to do in three days. Anyway I had a lot of compliments, and my friends said that was very original. ^^
For the party we hang bats from the ceiling, some spiders and pumpinks on the walls, spider webs on the doors... red lights... hahaha so scary!!!
I'm sorry for the bad quality pictures, with the red lights was extremely difficult to make good pictures. We took lots of pictures, here I am with a friend dressed as Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas.
And we coocked scary food too!!! We made mummy sausages and a mummy cake!! 
Then, when we started to tell horror stories a light bulb exploded!!!! and we had to stay without light until the next morning!! All night only with candles!! It was perfect!!

I had a very Happy Halloween, What did you do??


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